Appendices to the rental contract to be provided to the tenant

As a landlord, you must provide the tenant with all valid documents relating to the mandatory technical diagnosis, including:
  • an asbestos diagnosis,
  • an energy performance diagnosis,
  • a diagnosis related to lead,
  • a diagnosis relating to electrical and gas safety,
  • a copy of a statement mentioning the absence or presence of building materials or products containing asbestos,
  • a statement of natural, mining and technological risks.
Diagnostics must be carried out beforehand, preferably before publishing your ad.
How to find a certified diagnostician

More generally, you undertake to provide accommodation that meets the standards of decency in the within the meaning of Decree No. 2002-120 of 30 January 2002, as well as to safety standards in general concerning the installations composing the accommodation.
Learn more about how to best ensure the safety of your tenants.

If applicable, you must also provide the tenant with:
  • references rents usually recorded in the neighbourhood for comparable accommodation,
  • a "license for rental" (autorisation préalable de mise en location),
  • the notice information,
  • the inventory of fixtures,
  • the inventory 
  • and, in the event that the proposed accommodation is located in a condominium building, one or more extracts of the co-ownership regulations concerning the destination of the building, the enjoyment and use of private and common areas, and specifying the share of the leased lot in each of the load categories.

In order to simplify the submission of the technical diagnostic file, we provide you with a tool enabling you to upload some of the documents to your user account: asbestos diagnosis, energy performance diagnosis, lead diagnosis, diagnosis relating to electrical and gas safety, a copy of a statement mentioning the absence or presence of materials or construction products containing asbestos, a statement of natural, mining and technological risks, extract(s) from the co-ownership regulation and information notice.

The tenant will be able to consult and download these documents.
Please note, however, that if the tenant does not wish to receive these documents in a dematerialized form, he or she may request a physical copy of the documents.
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