List of required equipment for furnished rental

Furnished accommodation must include a number of facilities and elements "in sufficient number and quantity to enable the tenant to sleep, eat and live properly in accordance with the requirements of daily life".

Here is the list of these elements specified by the ALUR law in 2015:
  • bedding including duvet or blanket ;
  • cooking plates ;
  • oven or microwave oven ;
  • crockery necessary for taking meals ;
  • kitchen utensils ;
  • refrigerator and freezer, or at least one refrigerator with a freezing compartment (temperature less than or equal to -6°C) ;
  • shutters, blinds, curtains or other "window covering device in rooms to be used as a bedroom" ;
  • table and seats ;
  • storage shelves ;
  • household maintenance equipment adapted to the accommodation
  • lights ;
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